The verification conducted by Ernst & Young, an independent auditor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM), is a challenging process that reinforces transparency and ESG principles.


How can we show the market, investors and all society the values perpetuated by the company in the performance of its functions as well as the meticulous control, management and governance processes followed? One of these ways is through an Annual Sustainability Report.

With 124 pages, Aegea provides detailed information on how it has been improving people’s lives and fostering development in local communities while respecting the environment.


Report presents legacy created

From January to December 2021, with a commitment to changing lives through basic sanitation, Aegea’s units have avoided 80,000 Olympic swimming pools of raw sewage from being discharged into nature, which corresponds to the collection and treatment of over 200 billion liters of sewage.

With a priority on preserving water resources, Aegea works to combat losses of treated water. In 2021, water losses were reduced from 53.8% to 48.9%, which represents 39 billion liters of water saved, enough to supply 970,000 people for one year.

While caring for people – over 21 million in 154 cities – with respect for the environment, the company also advanced in its financial results. And it consolidated its position as Brazil’s leading private sanitation company, reaching market share in the sector of 49.5%.


Stronger transparency 

Aegea has been publishing an Annual Sustainability Report since its creation and each year brings significant advances. In its 11th edition, published on June 22, these advances include engaging the assurance services of Ernst & Young (EY), a global leader in audit services and an independent auditor registered with the CVM.

 “The report’s preparation involves many different areas of the company and a large amount of data and information. Independent assurance strengthens the clarity and credibility of the entire process and reinforces the importance we give to transparency in our communication with stakeholders,” said Adriana Albanese, Head of Investor Relations.


Principles aligned with international standards and advances in ESG

The document follows the framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and complies with the global reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

The latest report also shows Aegea’s evolution in ESG and in good environmental, social and governance practices, while linking them to the company’s operating and financial results.


Challenges overcome and next steps

According to Aegea’s Head of Investor Relations, preparing the report in accordance with the Integrated Report structure is a major challenge, since this only is possible by companies that think about management and controls on an integrated basis.

EY’s limited assurance process also posed challenges due to the amount of information and data included in the report. The company promises new developments in next year’s edition of the Annual Sustainability Report.



In addition to reaffirming its commitment to transparency, Aegea’s meticulous care in preparing and publishing the Annual Sustainability Report was recognized.

The publication placed 2nd in its category in the awards sponsored by the Brazilian Association of Publicly Held Companies (Abrasca), ranking above major companies, from among the 117 reports submitted.

In 2019, Aegea received Honorable Mention in the 22nd Abrasca Awards for Best Annual Report, in the category Risk Management, Internal Controls and Compliance Structure.


2021 Report

Click here to access Aegea’s Annual Sustainability Report 2021.

